731-394-1556 tim@ichthus.digital

Oak Forest church of Christ

We provided a simple yet personal website for the congregation to connect with their community. We also provide ongoing maintenance and provide assistance when needed. https://oakforestcoc.church/

West Broward church of Christ

We provided a simple yet personal website for the congregation to connect with their community. We also provide ongoing maintenance and provide assistance when needed. https://www.wbcofc.org/

Waldo church of Christ

We provided a simple yet personal website for the congregation to connect with their community. We also provide ongoing maintenance and provide assistance when needed. https://www.waldochurchofchrist.org/

Temple church of Christ

We provided a simple yet personal website for the congregation to connect with their community. We also provide ongoing maintenance and provide assistance when needed. https://www.templecoc.com/

Prattville church of Christ

We provided a simple yet personal website for the congregation to connect with their community. We also provide ongoing maintenance and provide assistance when needed. https://prattvillechurch.org/